Tounge twisters
Guys ada yang pengen lancar CONVERSATION in english? ada yang pengen banget Sing a song yang tittle nya pake bahasa inggris biar gak belibet gitu?
nah, sekarang ini pengen deh bagi bagi info seputaran gimana caranya bisa conversation and sing a song yang pake english english gitu biar lancar gak belibet, ya mungkin akan di share biar fluently yaa...CEKIDOT!
cukup simple sih...
FiRST >> lo harus SENAM MUKA setiap bangun tidur hehehehe sekalian biar awet muda tuh :p
Second >> lo harus pemanasan ... senam lidah biar kece dan bisa cas cis cuuuussssss.....
cuma itu intinya :D
hmm untuk Tounge Twister ini adau beberapa contoh esrangkaian kata-kata atau kalimat yang sukar diucapkan, dan itu bisa di buat untuk pemanasan :D
SARANnya : pas kamu mulai membaca nya harus di LOUDSPEAKER alias dikerasin bacanya dan agak dipercepat yaa... biar kece (lagi) . lebih keras lebih cepat itu lebih seru..tapi be carefull kalo kalo lidahnya nanti keseleo :p ahahahaha
semoga bermanfaat :) nih monggo di baca dengan keras dan cepat, for the examples:
Peter piper Picke a peck of picked pappers. a peck of pickled pappers Peter Piper picked if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where"s the peck of pickled peppers Peter piper picked?
A quick witted cricket critic.
I saw Sussie sittting in a shoe shine shop. where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throme throughout Thursday
Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorms and thiestless thumped and thundered threathening the three-d thoughts of matiu the thougt-altought theatrically, it was only the threeteen thousand. thiesless and thorms through the underneath of his thigh. that the thirty year old took though of thought that morning.
Denies sees the fleece, Denies sees the fleas, at least Denies could sneeze, and feed and freeze the fleas
Marry Mac's mother making Marry Mac's marry me, my mother making me Marry Marry Mac's .. will i always be so Merry when Marry's taking care of me ? will i always be so Merry when i Marry Marry Mac's
Green glass globes glow greenly
When i was in Arkansas i saw that could outsaw any other saw i ever saw,saw. if you've got a saw that can outsaw the saw i saw saw when i'd like to see your saw saw.
Black back bat..Black cat death, black black black in blue black back beck,black on the chair black with blue berry black forrest.
i thought, i thought of thingking of thanking you.
Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.
Singign a song sammy sing with sung songs on sinking sand.
Penny really weary, penny yally Bally ..
Pee Call, pecel, Parcell, :3
( NAh itu semua tadi adalah beberapa contoh buat tounge twisters..ya moga moga di praktekin tiap hari jadi lancar yak :D KEEP ROCK guys :D \m/ )
Kooooo ada nama orang nya di situ zzzz...
BalasHapusSama ada pecelnya... Zzzzzzz..zzz.z.z.z.z
yang penting hepi :D